martes, 31 de enero de 2012

Alumnos Libres

Deberán aprobar dos instancias: escrito individual y oral grupal. Ambas estarán basadas en el Radio Drama "A flight from Brazil" que consta de nueve partes. El mismo está publicado en el material de fotocopiadora, y a su vez encontrarán el audio en este blog. Se les entregará la copia de una de las partes sobre la cual deberán resolver las dos instancias de examen, con lo cual no es necesario que las conozcan previamente. A continuación encontrarán modelos de examen:

Samples of Written Exam:

· Anna writes a letter to her family describing what happened to her at the airport.

· Polly writes a report in her journal about her experience and opinion since she met Anna.

· A show business reporter describes the Kit Carson Show performance for his newspaper (change the chronological order).

· Lieutenant Corsellis writes a report for the Police Department describing how they finally caught the gangsters they were looking for. (Include probable predictions and improbable hypothesis)

Samples of Oral Exam:

· Find out what happened through questions and answers. Use all the interrogative words.

· A reporter interviews Anna and Polly about the situation they are living and their opinion.

· Dramatization: The girls finally meet Joe Canova.Create a dialogue among them changing the chronological order of the facts that happened.

. Anna and Polly try to explain to Liza Lupino why they are at the show. (Include predictions and improbable hipothesis)

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